Deuzeman CPA’s purpose is to help owners build better businesses and achieve financial independence.
We never stop thinking about how we can delight our customers. Our customers are the heroes and we are the guides. We help them avoid struggle and achieve success.
We do things together and that includes with our customers and each other. We are curious, we learn, we share, we develop, and we help — all of it and more — together. Working together also requires us to manage mutual expectations.
We expect and produce the best possible product and experience. These high standards apply to everything we do for our customers and we expect them of each other. If something is important and time-sensitive, we do it properly with a sense of urgency.
We always find a way to get the job done with a can-do attitude. We do every job properly or we don’t do it at all. That includes giving the right answer or no answer at all. We don’t give 90% answers. We don’t always know the answer and that is okay. When we don’t have the answer, we help find it.
We trek deep into the trees but never lose site of the forest. We know that details matter but not everything matters. If it is necessary, knowable, and doable then we always do it — there are no exceptions.
We follow the “newspaper test:” we judge every action by how it would appear on the front page of our local newspaper, written by a smart but semi-unfriendly reporter, to be read by our family, friends, and neighbours.
We always do the right thing because we know it takes a lifetime to build a reputation and a moment to ruin it. We would never knowingly do anything that could ruin our reputation. People trust us to do the right thing. We are candid with everyone and avoid the fluffy stuff.
We know that things take time and we don’t skip steps.
We think and act just as our customers do — as business owners. We know that thinking and acting like business owners helps us do our best work. Our customers are passionate and take pride in their work and so do we.
We understand that complicated is interesting but simple works. And we focus on impact over output. We ask why things are done the way they are and whether there is a simpler, better way.
We are strong supporters of systems and we consider the downstream impacts of actions and decisions at the outset.